Consultant Paediatrician Present in Neurodevelopment and Neurodisability | Oct 2017 - Present |
The Manor Hospital, Oxford | |
The Portland Hospital, London (Oct 2019) | |
The Spire Dunedin Hospital, Reading (Feb 2020) | |
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer | Aug 2006 – Present |
Department of Paediatrics | |
University of Oxford | |
Editor | Sept 2012 – Present |
Oxford Handbook of Community Paediatrics | |
Oxford University Press | |
Hon Consultant / Consultant Appraiser | Sept 2007 – Present |
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | |
Representative on AAC Panel | Oct 2011 – Present |
Appointments and Advisory Committee | |
Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health, London | |
Undergraduate Examiner | Oct 2006 – Present |
Oxford Medical School | |
University of Oxford |
Consultant Paediatrician | Sept 2005 – May 2019 |
(Neurodevelopment and Neurodisability) | |
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | |
Educational Supervisor | Sept 2006 – May 2019 |
Oxford PGMDE & OUH NHS FT | |
Clinical Supervisor | Sept 2005 – May 2019 |
Oxford PGMDE & OUH NHS FT | |
Lead, Clinical Governance | Jan 2009 – May 2019 |
Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT | |
Lead, West Oxfordshire Child Development Team | Oct 2005 – May 2019 |
Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT | |
Lead, Oxford Down Syndrome Service | Jan 2008 – Jan 2014 |
Principal Tutor & Course Organiser | Apr 2008 – Apr 2013 |
Oxford Child Development (GMDS) Course | |
Wolfson College, Oxford |
FRCPCH (Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health) | 2010 |
MRCP (Member of Royal College of Physicians, London, UK) | 1998 |
MHSM (Managing Health Services, De Montfort University, UK) | 1997 |
DCH (Diploma in Child Health, RCP London, UK) | 1996 |
MBBS (Honours) (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, India) | 1992 |
Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certification | 2020 |
Paediatric Neurodisability 1-year Course, Sheffield, UK | 2007 |
Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (Aug 05) | 2005 |
Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Cambridge | 2002 |
Teaching Improvement & Presentation Skills (TIPS Course I & II) | 2001 |
Advanced Paediatric Life Support Course, Birmingham | 1999 |
Paediatric Advanced Life Support Course, London | 1996 |
Managing Health Services (1 yr course), Leicester | 1998 |
Computers & Computing, Southeast Essex University | 1996 |
- Course Organiser: Oxford Child Development (Griffiths) Course 2008-2012.
- Lead for Clinical Governance, Department of Community Paediatrics 2009-2019.
- Editor, Oxford Specialist Handbook in Community Paediatrics, 2011-to date.
- Lead for Oxford Down Syndrome Service (ODSS) from 2008-12.
- Lead for West Oxfordshire Child Development Team 2006-2016.
- Trustee for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, a national charity 2009-10.
- Trustee for Oxford Child Disability Fund & Oxford Down Syndrome Fund
- Consultant Appraiser – appraised senior medical staff 2007-2017.
- Educational Supervisor & Mentor: Fulfilled responsibilities to trainee doctors 2005-2017.
- Experience in drafting and executing on-call rotas, journal clubs, teaching programmes etc.
- Chaired multidisciplinary review meetings, psychosocial’ meetings, CDT team meetings
- Editor-Oxford Specialist Handbook of Community Paediatrics: This book is the only book in print for Community Paediatrics in UK. I edited this book with the help of 21 other specialist contributors. I contributed/wrote the chapters on ‘Child Development’ & ‘Neurodevelopmental Disorders’. This book has been sold in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia & Asia including China. I am currently in process of working on the 2nd edition. This book is a valuable source of teaching and training for doctors in Neurodisability & Community Paediatrics.
- Course Organiser & Principal Tutor-Oxford Griffiths Course: I have organised 1-week courses on ‘Developmental Assessment of Children’ at Wolfson College, Oxford along with Dr Denise Challis. Postgraduate doctors from regional, national & international have gained skills in developmental assessment of children. I have also been a ‘Tutor/Speaker’ on this course in London & Abroad.
- Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer-University of Oxford Medical School: I have regular teaching commitments to Medical Students from University of Oxford. I have also been an ‘Examiner’ for Final Year Medical Students at University of Oxford since 2006. I have acted as an Examiner for Final Year Medical Students from University College London and Royal Free Medical Schools in 2005. I have received ‘commendations’ in writing from University of Oxford after feedback they received from medical students.
- Educational Supervisor-Thames Valley PGMDE/Oxford Deanery: I have been an Educational Supervisor for post graduate trainees in paediatrics since 2006. I participate regularly in Educational Supervision updates. I have been on the ‘Interview Panel’ for selection of postgraduate doctors and have been an ‘Assessor’ for end of year assessments.
- Clinical Supervisor-Oxford University Hospitals NHSFT: I have been a clinical supervisor providing supervision to speciality trainees since 2005.
- Organised Departmental Teaching Programme: for all the doctors in Community Paediatrics from 2008-2012.
- I give presentations regularly at Grand rounds, Child Development Teams & Regional meetings. My recent presentations have been on the following topics:
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Cerebral Palsy
- Assessment of Child Development
- Investigating Developmental Delay
- Children with Sleep Disorders
- Dyspraxia/DCD
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Down syndrome-life course and management
- Fear, Anxiety & Phobias
- Home learning & learning developmental outcomes
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Sleep disorders & Management
- Facilitated bedside clinical teaching for candidates taking DCH and MRCP exams.
- Arranged & Conducted Diploma in Child Health Exams at Camden Child Development Centre, London. The exam was administered by Royal College of Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health, London 2003.
2020 | Gada S, Neurodevelopmental assessments of rare genetic conditions; Dev Med & Child Neurology; Jan 2020, Mac Keith Press |
2020 | Gada S, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Management; Special Education Needs; Issue 105; Feb-Mar 2020; p34-36 |
2019 | Gada S, Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder; Special Educational Needs; Issue 103; Nov-Dec 2019, p 68-70 |
2014 | Gada S, K Dacombe; Evaluation of Dyslexia Screening Test in Community Paediatrics Clinics; p42, Dev Med & Child Neurology; July 2014, Vol 56, Mac Keith Press |
2013 | Gada S, Henderson-Slater D; Setting Up Oxford Neurodisability Transition Clinic; p38, Dev Med & Child Neurology, Oct 2013, Vol 55, Mac Keith Press |
2012 | Editor; Book on Oxford Specialist Handbook of Community Paediatrics,Published by: Oxford University Press, Sept 2012 ,ISBN: 978-0-19-969695-6 |
2004 | Gada S, How to be child friendly. Tips on. Brit Med Journal, s126, Oct 2003 |
2003 | Helping parents solve stressful life problems enhances the effectiveness of interventions for child aggression and antisocial behaviour. Evid Based Ment ,Health.2003 Nov;6(4):120 S.S.Gada, S Kanumakala. PMID:14585793 |
2003 | Improving mental health through parenting programmes: Are the results Valid. A Comment. S Gada, S Kanumakala. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2003; 88:553-555 |
2002 | Making the most of life – An Invited Article. S Gada, National Deaf Children’s Society’s TALK Magazine, Issue no.188. Sept 2002: 24-25. |
1995 | Contributed Essays to ‘PLAB English for Doctors’- By Sam Mc Carter.A book with Audio Cassette. BPP Publications 1995. ISBN 0 9526012 0 6 |
- “Follow-up study of the haematology in children with Down Syndrome”. A national study being coordinated and run from the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine with Dr Paresh Vyas (prinicipal investigator). The study is sponsored by University of Oxford and funded by Leukaemia Research. MREC reference:07/MRE12/19. I was the local coordinator.
- I have participated/recruited my patients in the following studies in my current post (2005-17):
- UKISS Trial (United Kingdom Infantile Spasms Study)
- MENDS Trial (Use of Melatonin in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
- DDD Study (Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study)
- Snuggledown Study (Use of sensory blankets for children with ASD)
- GOLD Study (Genetics of Learning Disability)
- Interagency coordination of care for disabled children in Camden (2004)
- Screening Programmes in Camden & Islington Boroughs of London (2003)
- Identified risks in clinical practice. Successfully managed these risks by preparing and implementing various guidelines which required listening, being flexible and negotiating (2005-17).
American Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine, USA | September 2019 |
European Academy of Childhood Disability, Annual Conference, Paris | June 2019 |
Annual Scientific Meeting-BAACH Conference, Manchester, UK | September 2018 |
'Expert Updates on Neurodisability & Community Child Health’ Annual Scientific Meeting 2015, BACCH, Leeds UK | September 2015 |
Oxford Medical Appraiser Conference, Oxford | September 2015 |
South West Paediatrics-Annual Spring Meeting, Cheltenham, UK | June 2015 |
26th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Academy of Childhood Disability Vienna, Austria | July 2014 |
‘Information Technology in Neurodisability’Annual Scientific Meeting of British Association of Childhood Disability, University of Birmingham, UK | March 2014 |
25th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Academy of Childhood Disability,Newcastle, UK | October 2013 |
Getting it right for children: Improving clinical care’ Annual Scientific Meeting of British Association of Community Child Health Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff | September 2013 |
‘Child Development’, Annual Conference of Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health, Glasgow, UK | May 2012 |
24th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Academy of Childhood Disability, Istanbul, Turkey | May 2012 |
What’s New in Neurodisability?’ Annual Scientific Meeting of British Academy of Childhood Disability, Derby | March 2012 |
'Autism Spectrum Disorders-Co-morbidities & Outcomes’ Annual Scientific Meeting of British Academy of Childhood Disability, Derby, UK | March 2011 |
‘Management of Children with Developmental Disabilities-Progress’ 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of European Academy of Childhood Disability Brussels, Belgium | May 2010 |
‘Neurodevelopment & Neurodisabilities’-12th International Scientific Meeting Association for Research in Infant & Child Development, London, UK | May 2010 |
Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certification Course | April 2020 |
Up to date with OUH NHS FT’s Statutory, Mandatory & Essential Training | Jan 2019 |
- Includes Equality & Diversity | |
- Consent & Confidentiality | |
- Record Keeping | |
- Safe prescribing & controlled drugs | |
- Fire Safety | |
Safeguarding Children Level III Course, GPEC, John Radcliffe, Oxford | Jan 2019 |
Cardiff University Bond Solon Course, London | Feb 2018 |
Information Governance Training, OUH NHS FT Oxford | Dec 2018 |
Court Room Skills Training, by Paper House London, OUH NHSFT Oxford | Nov 2016 |
Safeguarding Disabled Children Training, County Hall, Oxford | Nov 2016 |
Difficult Conversations in a Training Environment, TV Deanery, Oxford | Oct 2017 |
Griffiths III Tutor Training Day & Update, ARICD, London | May 2016 |
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS), Pearson, London | April 2016 |
Educational Supervision Course, Children’s Hospital, Oxford | March 2017 |
Don’t be Court Out-Learning from Legal Cases & Claims, Oxford | Jan 2016 |
Good Clinical Practice in Research Trials, CTRG, Churchill Hospital, Oxford | Nov 2015 |
Identifying Atypical Symptoms & PIND, Lincoln College, Oxford | July 2015 |
Good Clinical Practice in Clinical Studies, Joint Research Office, Oxford | Feb 2015 |
Resilience Training, Edgecumbe, PGMDE, OUH NHSFT, Oxford | June 2014 |
Bayley Scales of Infant & Toddler Development (BSID-III), London | April 2014 |
Oxford Paediatric Neuromuscular Study day, Oxford | March 2014 |
Mastering Professional Interactions, Medical Protection Society, Oxford | May 2013 |
Legal Issues in Proceedings for Treating Clinicians & Finding of Fact Hearing, Legal Team, OUH NHSFT, Oxford | April 2013 |
Mastering Difficult Interactions with Patients, MPS, Milton Keynes, UK | April 2013 |
Brain & Behaviour Course, 10-week course Continuing Further Education, Ewert House, University of Oxford | Jan 2013 |
Child Protection Update-3rd Annual Conference, GOSH, London | Nov 2012 |
OSA & Respiratory Problems in children with LD, Oxford | Feb 2012 |
Bone Health in children with LD | Dec 2011 |
Mastering Your Risk Workshop with MPS, Oxford | Jan 2011 |
Asperger Syndrome, Tony Attwood, Said Business School, Oxford | June 2010 |
Masterclass in Ethical & Legal Aspects, PGMDE, By MPS, Oxford | March 2010 |
Recruitment, Selection & Diversity Course, PGMDE, Oxford | Feb 2010 |
Regular Participation/Learning from:
- Child Protection Reviews (3-4/year)
- Serious Case Reviews (1/year)
- ORENG/Neurodisability Peer Review (1-2/year)
- Appraiser Network (1/year)
- Morbidity & Mortality Meetings (1-2/year)
- Clinical Governance Meetings (2/year)
- Educational Supervision/Mentoring (Biennial)
- Annual Appraisals (appraised every year since 2005)
- Revalidation (Revalidated 2014, due 2019)
- Self-reading, Research, Literature Review (3-4/year)
- Up to date with Annual CPD Points with RCPCH
Specialist Registrar in Community Paediatrics (With an interest in Paediatric Neurodisability) | Sept 2002 – Aug 2005 |
Specialist Registrar in Neonatology | Sept 2001 - Aug 2002 |
Specialist Registrar in General Paediatrics, Oldchurch Hospital | Sept 1999 - Aug 2001 |
Specialist Registrar in Neonatal Paediatrics, Haroldwood Hospital | |
Specialist Registrar in Community Paediatrics, St. George’s Hospital | |
Senior House Officer in Paediatric Intensive Care | Feb 1999 - Aug 1999 |
Senior House Officer in Neonatal Intensive Care | Aug 1998 - Feb 1999 |
Senior House Officer in Neonates | Feb 1998 - Aug 1998 |
Senior house officer in Haematology & Oncology | Nov 1997 - Feb 1998 |
Senior House Officer in Gastroenterology & Endocrinology | Aug 1997 - Nov 1997 |
Senior House Officer in Neonatal Paediatrics | Aug 1996 - Aug 1997 |
Senior House Office in Community Paediatrics | |
Senior house officer in General Paediatrics | |
- Clinical Excellence Awards – 3, at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- First in Final Year MBBS, Gulbarga University, India 1991
- General Medical Council, Full Registration No.4577713. Registered since Aug 1996
- Expert Witness Institute, London, Individual Member no: 10681, since May 2020
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Membership No.13674, 1998 – Present.
- Medical Protection Society, Membership No: 383296, since 2005- Present .
- British Medical Association, Membership No.7849185, 1999 – Present.
- European Academy of Childhood Disability, membership No: 2267, 2011 – Present.
- British Association of Community Child Health, 2005 – Present.
- British Association of Childhood Disability, 2005 – Present.
- Association for Research in Infant & Child Development (ARICD), 2001 – Present
Dr.Srinivas Gada MBBS, DCH, FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician in
Paediatric Neurodisability & Neurodevelopment
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Srinivas Gada
The Manor Hospital Nuffield Health Oxford
Beech Road
Dr Srinivas (Sri) Gada/I have practised in the NHS in the UK, for 25 years (Since 1995). I have been practising as a Consultant Paediatrician in Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neurodisability for 14 years. I have worked as a medicolegal expert since 2017. I keep myself up to date in his field of Child Neurodisability practice, with attendance at national and international conferences, publishing, teaching and other academic work.
I have completed the Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certification Course. I accept only civil cases and clinical negligence cases. I have acted as an expert witness for both, claimants (60% of cases) and defendants (40% of cases). I am easy to work with and well organised. I am supported by an excellent secretarial and administrative team. I would be able to see new patients/ML cases within four weeks and could produce expert reports in 4 weeks after the assessment.
The following terms and conditions shall apply to the provision of medical reports and expert medical witness work by Dr Srinivas Gada MBBS, DCH, FRCPCH, Consultant Paediatrician in Paediatric Neurodisability & Neurodevelopment.
I will be happy to assist, provided his terms and conditions below are agreeable.
- My hourly professional expert rate is £245 per hour. The number of hours for each case is dependent on the volume of records, the complexity of the case and condition of the documents. My accounts are not subject to VAT.
- Additional reports or letters based on new information, meetings with counsel or other experts, interviews, case conferences, domiciliary visits, court attendance, waiting at court proceedings etc. are chargeable at the same hourly rate of £245/hour.
- Travelling time is charged at 50% of this rate, i.e. £122.50
- My daily rate for attendance at court would be My daily rate for attending court hearings is £2400 (half-day rate £1300), which includes time for travelling and waiting between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm (8 am and 1 pm or 1 pm and 6 pm for half days). I expect a payment, even if I do not give oral evidence. This will not include preparatory time, which will be charged at the hourly rate. Outside these hours, an hourly rate will be charged, plus overnight accommodation of up to £150 per night. Travel will be reimbursed additionally including first-class rail travel, business class flights, associated taxi fares or mileage charged at £1 per mile.
- I would require six weeks’ notice with a 50% retainer to be given on instruction for any court attendance.
- I do not work on a deferred or conditional fee basis.
- I would require full payment of my fees within one month of providing the report.
- I run a paperless office and would require instructions and other documents in electronic format, please.
- I would also like to highlight that conference attendance may need to be via telephone on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, preferably in the afternoons, as I must combine my academic work, my independent practise etc. with medicolegal work.
- Subsequent involvement, including correspondence, will be invoiced at £45 per e-mail or by the hourly rate, whichever is the more applicable rate.
- Should accounts not be settled within the agreed period, at my discretion, I have the right to charge interest on unpaid accounts at the rate of 2% a month, or part of a month, until full settlement is received. I also express the right to charge £45 per e-mail sent in the chasing of these settlements.
- In legally aided cases (where my fees constitute a disbursement), I expect you to make a prompt claim to the legal aid agency and to advise me of any expected delay in settlement. In all other cases, I expect payment of the invoice within 30 days of the invoice date, irrespective of whether your client has paid you.
- I will use my knowledge, experience, care, and skill in fulfilling your instructions to the best of my ability. Kindly remember that I am an independent witness and my duty is to the court.
- Please let me have your full instructions and timescales, together with any further relevant information you may have and confirm your agreement to the above terms in writing by signing the below and returning by post/e-mail.
- Arranging for a medical expert examination or sending me medical records or relevant documentation for review is implied consent to these terms and conditions.
- These conditions are subject to change and are valid for one year from May 2020.
Please let me know should you wish to proceed with formal instructions.