Learning Disability
- Also known as ‘Intellectual Disability’(USA) or ‘Global Developmental Delay’ (UK)
- Difficulty in understanding new or complex information
- Struggle to learn new skills
- Trouble to cope independently
- Significant limitations in communication, activities of daily living
- Delay in understanding, reasoning
- Language delay
- Behavioural problems
- Deficits in social or community interaction.
- Reduced academic ability
- Concerns from school
- Can lead to being anxious, isolated, withdrawn
- Has impact on learning, achievement, relationships, employment and life outcomes
- Hassle-free and easy to book appointments
- No waiting list to worry about. Book a date that is convenient to you
- Comprehensive and evidence-based assessments
- Detailed diagnostic report that can help you in getting the right help, support and services
- Early intervention means better outcomes for your child
- I review reports from all settings e.g. nursery or school
- Carry out LD-specific developmental and family history
- Observe/elicit LD specific behaviours and difficulties through play-based tests
- Neurodevelopmental assessment for children under 8 years
- Carry out full physical examination including neurology, to rule out medical problem
- Growth assessment
- Inspect for associated conditions e.g. ADHD, ASD, DCD
- Review information from tests
- Build a picture of your child’s strengths, weaknesses and needs
- Provide you with a clear diagnostic report confirming or ruling out LD, in a Health Action Plan
- Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
- Give you LD-specific behavioural, educational and environmental strategies/adaptations
- Advice regarding review by other professionals e.g. Ed Psych, SLT, OT where required
- Offer medications to address difficulties e.g. sleep, ADHD, diet etc.
- You could use medical report e.g. to gain extra support at school, claim allowances/benefits, support with housing, employment, respite
- You will feel empowered to enable your child from this holistic assessment and a comprehensive action plan
- Present you with an option for follow-up or regular health checks, if requested