Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- A child has SEN if they have a learning difficulty, that requires special educational provision
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child’s ability to understand, learn, communicate, socialise and move
- It is not always easy to know whether a child is disabled or has SEN
- The prevalence of pupils with SEN in UK is 18% or 1.5 million pupils
- Almost half the children with SEN do not meet the definition of disability
- All children are entitled to an education, irrespective of their learning ability
- All children with SEND should either receive SEN support or an EHCP
- EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework makes sure that there is support for a child under 5, with SEND
- An EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) is a legal document detailing a child’s special educational, health and social care needs
- EHCP explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs
- Low academic performance makes graduation and employment less likely
- Adult educational and occupational attainment, in turn, significantly predict adult mental health, longevity and relationship formation
- For further information on SEN, look at, http://www.ipsea.org.uk
- Hassle-free and easy to book appointments
- No waiting list to worry about. Book a date that is convenient to you
- Comprehensive and evidence-based SEN assessments
- Detailed diagnostic report that can help you in getting the right help, support and services
- Early intervention means better outcomes for your child
- I review your concerns, past medical history, family and social history, general health, appetite, sleep, early developmental history, developmental progress
- Carry out a detailed head to toe examination including neurology, dysmorphisms, neurocutaneous stigmata, systems examination, growth
- I review all reports e.g. neonatal unit summary, health visitor, nursery or school
- Screen for developmental problems and disorders by use of e.g. ASQ, SDQ, SCQ
- Neurodevelopmental assessment through play-based tests
- Review information from above assessments/test tools
- Build a picture of your child’s strengths, weaknesses and needs
- Provide you with a clear diagnostic report detailing your child’s SEN and a management plan to address those needs
- Diagnosis and management of chronic health problems
- Early identification and management of developmental disorders e.g. ADHD, autism, specific learning difficulties
- Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
- Give you specific behavioural, educational and environmental strategies
- Advice on review by professionals e.g. Edn Psychologist, SLT where required
- Advice regarding further tests/investigations, if required
- You could use medical report e.g. to gain extra SEN support at school, request EHCP assessment, claim allowances/benefits etc.
- You will feel empowered to enable your child from this holistic action plan
- Present you with an option for follow-up, where required